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Review: Colour Club Winter Affair Colletcion

Hello Princesses!

Ok ok ok ok I know I promised that I'd blog every Thursday Saturday and Monday, but my photo editor totally broke! :c I'm sorry!!

Also midway through my swatching (which took 2 weeks due to terrible weather) my face had another breakout from stress, which means I had to cut my nails as short as possible to avoid scratching my face in my sleep. How weird is that.


Today I'm going to be Swatching and Reviewing Colour clubs Winter Affair Collection, which I bought from the lovely Chels & Ta from USA Nails Online! I'm so glad I found this site, because sometimes it can be incredibly pricey to get nail polish from overseas, not to mention the challenge of getting the "hazardous substance" past customs!

USA Nails Online is part of an entrepenuership program, which is working with the NZ Distributor of some of the USA's best nail products! Currently they are only shipping within New Zealand, but NZ'ers will be glad to know that they charge a flat rate of $4.90 no matter how much you order! Nail Polish, Treatments and Art Pens contain flammable components, so special regulations (Transport of Dangerous goods) will be met.

This was actually my very first experience with Colour Club polishes, and USA Nails Online! Initially I was attracted by the very low price, and the gorgeous green polish, Ho-Ho-Holly! I sort of assumed that the rest of the polishes would be a little average and that I would sell them all on after swatching them once.

How very wrong I was.
I found the formula for the whole collection to be very good. The colours were mostly opaque with two coats, and the drying speed was very fast, which probably surprised me the most! None of the polishes stained my nails and were all quick and easy to remove (with the one exception being Gift of Sparkle which is a glitter polish.)
 One coat
Two coats

Berry and Bright - This is a gorgeous bright red foil shimmer. I found that the polish dried a little dull, but a generous top coat fixed this us straight away. In the sunlight it looks super pretty and sparkly, and was almost opaque in one coating.
Gift of Sparkle - This is my favorite of the collection! Gift of Sparkle is a warm, blue-toned purple with red and purple shimmer. It's also stuffed with a good amount of glitter, and there looks like there is some small holographic glitters mixed in there too. This polish dries with a rough texture and needs 2 to 3 generous coats of top coat to get it smooth.
 Macro of all of the glitters!
  I wore this polish topped with Snowflakes for almost a whole week! It only chipped slightly after the 3 day mark, which I thought was a pretty good effort. I wore this mani during the photographing for my 100 Subscribers Giveaway post.
Glitter Wonderland - This is a warm blue purple shimmer with tiny flecks of red, blue, and purple micro-glitter. This polish is really shimmery and pretty, and has a slight pink flash which I thought was really neat! Glitter Wonderland was the sheerest polish of the collection, and needed 3 coats to be fully opaque.
Ho-Ho-Holly - I had picked this polish to be my favorite of the collection, and it ended up coming a close second to Gift of Sparkle! Ho-Ho-Holly is a rich green and gold foil which looks predominantly green, until you tilt your nails in which case it becomes a warm, golden shimmer with a hint of cool toned blue and green flashes. It's such a perfect Christmas colour in my opinion!
Winter Affair -  I tend to collect a lot of this type of colour, but this is quite a stunner in it's own rights! Winter Affair is a vampy wine colour with duochrome shimmer, and is made up of red, gold and orange depending on where the light is hitting. This is the type of colour I gravitate towards when the weather is getting colder, and this is surely going to be one of my favorites this winter!
Snowflakes - The Winter Affair collection also includes a flaky top coat polish called Snowflakes. This is a basic red-green flake polish with flashes of orange and gold,  and while Snowflakes looks really gorgeous by itself in a very subtle way, it also looks beautiful on the rest of the collection. I layered Snow-Flakes over each color from this collection, and I really like how different it looks over certain colors.


Berry and Bright & Snowflakes

Gift of Sparkle & Snowflakes

Glitter Wonderland & Snowflakes

Ho-Ho-Holly & Snowflakes

Winter Affair & Snowflakes
Chels & Ta were incredibly helpful and friendly throughout the process or ordering from USA Nails Online, and the package took one night to be sent out, and two days to arrive, safe and sound. I would most definitely recommend ordering from USA Nails Online if you are a New Zealander! I'm currently eyeing up the Nouveau Nail Lamp so I can do some home gel nails! 

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