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Ne-Yo has admitted his love for children and reveals his son Chimere, around 2 years old, is not biologically his child. Determined for Chimere to have a father in his life, the R&B star volunteered to raise ex-girlfriend Jessica White's son as his own after Chimere's biological father split.. Now the thing is, I think in this day and age, everybody knows that blood does not make a father. He's known no other father but me since the day he was born, and though I did not make him, I am his father and he is my son, and that's what it is." *********************************************************************************** Here are a few pictures of his ex-girl Jessica White and her/their son Chimere. *********************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLTIZ: HOLD YOUR APPLAUSE WHEN NEYO STEPPED ON THE SCENE 2 YEARS AGO THIS GIRL WAS PREGNANT AND HE THEN STATED HE WAS THE BABY DADDY..FAST FORWARD A COUPLE OF HUNDRED THOUSAND LATER AND HE IS JUST A FOSTER PARENT I MUST HAVE MISSED THAT EPISODE OF MAURY...HERE WE GO...NEYO YOU ARE THE FATHER ...THAT'S IN DENIAL...!!

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