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OutKast's 'B.O.B.': Is it the best song of the decade?

The best song of the Decade? Hot no doubt but best?? What do you think?
Don't Pull The Thang Out Unless You Plan To Bang...Bombs Over Baddad
The brain trust at
Pitchfork.com has spent the past week rolling out its picks for the 500 best songs of the 2000s. Their choice for the No. 1 most excellent song of the past 10 years yesterday: OutKast’s “B.O.B.” (a.k.a. “Bombs Over Baghdad”)

I say, sure! The wildly innovative sound of “B.O.B.” blew my mind when I first heard it back in 2000, and I’m not close to tired of it yet. That psychedelic wash of organ chords, that relentless drum-machine stutter, that ripping guitar solo, those dueling rhymes from two of the illest lyricists of all time… Man, do I miss OutKast.

Other Top 10 contenders in Pitchfork’s list came from Arcade Fire, Animal Collective, Radiohead, Beyonce, M.I.A., and more. Click over to read the full list of 500. In the meantime, you can listen to the glory that is “B.O.B.” in below video.


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