And so it's night. Daylight has long since gone away. Daylight will return, but I'll have to wait a few hours. I'll be going to bed soon. I shouldn't be on the internet for so long. It's easy to get carried away when internet surfing. It will only take a few minutes to type a paragraph on the internet. It will take a few more minutes for this internet blog post to be floating among the clouds. I'm not sure how many people will be reading this. I hope people will be inspired by this. I hope film deals and political careers won't be wrecked by this. I'm not malicious by nature. I'm hoping that my only fault is bad spelling.
And so it's night. Most of Cleveland, Ohio will be asleep. Though judging by the cars still on the road, there are people out there with other agendas in mind. I'm not among those peole tonight. Tonight, I'm going to take it easy. I'm planning to relax. And so it's night. It's almost time for me to go to bed for the night and dream sweet dreams of a brighter future. As I prepare for bed, here are some photos of film and television actress Brittany Robertson.
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