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Wistful Wednesday : Christmas 1997

It was our second Christmas at the house in Harwood ND 21 years ago.

Tree in Harwood 1997

Trica Richard and Savannah 1997

Our oldest grand Savannah was just 17 months old.  Trica was pregnant with Maddie who would be born in April of 1998. Trica was working as a RN in Grand Forks and Richard was the Manager of a Radio Shack Store in Grand Forks.   Jen and Andy were not married until the summer of 1998.

Far Guy was working for the North Dakota Air National Guard and I was a student at NDSU working part time for the University as a Horticulturist.

We had a very sick Sheltie that December.  Moses died the day after Christmas…leaving a huge hole in our hearts.  We still had the juvenile deliquents (Shelties) G’ Day Mate and Captain so we were not dogless.

It would be our second and last Christmas in that house by Lake Shure.  Far Guy retired and we sold the house after it was on the market for a week in the spring of 1998.

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